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As a social science researcher and an esteemed business consultant, Marcus Buckingham (First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths) has spent considerable time studying the big picture. This wide-angle approach led him to an unexpectedly narrow conclusion: There is a core concept to even the most complex topic. What he has discovered in The One Thing You Need to Know is that single "controlling insights" exist for a whole range of situations, and when properly applied, can encourage exponential improvement and lead to precise action and results. In applying this concept to managing, leading, and individual performance he has pinpointed the single element necessary for achieving success in each of these three key positions.
Buckingham acknowledges the subtleties of the topic and his goal is "not to make these subjects simpler, merely clearer." And what could be clearer than one thing? The challenge lies in filtering out the nonessential matters and distinguishing "between what is merely important and what is imperative" in order to produce the greatest and most far-reaching effects. In offering advice on how to do this he also details the three things you need to learn about a person to manage them effectively, explains why a lack of balance is a good thing, shows how to identify your own strengths and weaknesses, and discusses which personality traits all great leaders must possess.
Clearly written, informative, and enjoyable, the book aims to motivate readers to act--not just think--differently by providing concrete examples and specific lessons. And it need not be confined to the office--the concepts outlined in these pages can help people feel more fulfilled and productive in all aspects of life. --Shawn Carkonen
1: A Few Things You Should Know About the "One Thing"
"Get me to the core": "If you dig into a subject deeply enough, what do you find?"
A lifetime of "why"s: "What drove this book?"
The tests for the "one thing": "Why are some explanations more powerful than others?"
One controlling insight: "What is the One Thing you need to know about happy marriage?"
Part I The One Thing You Need to Know Sustained Organizational Success
2: Managing and Leading: What's the Difference?
A vital distinction: "Are they different? Are they both important? Can you do both?"
A view from the middle: "What do great managers actually do and what talents do you need to do it?"
A view from the top: "What do great leaders actually do and what talents do you need to do it?"
3: The One Thing You Need to Know: Great Managing
The basics of good managing: "What skills will prevent you from failing as a manager?"
Great managers play chess: "What is the One Thing you need to know about great managing?"
A walk through a walgreens: "How does one truly great manager do it?"
Great managers are romantics: "What are the benefits of individualization?"
The three levers: "What are the three things you need to know about a person in order to manage him or her effectively?"
The most useful questions: "How can you identify these levers?"
4: The One Thing You Need to Know: Great Leading
A leader wins our loyalty: "What did Giuliani say to calm our fears?"
Five fears, five needs, one focus: "What are the universals of human nature?"
The points of clarity: "Where are your followers crying out for clarity?"
The disciplines of leadership: "How do the best leaders achieve this clarity?"
Part II: The One Thing You Need to KnowSustained Individual Success
5: The Twenty Percenters
Dave, Myrtle, and Tim: "What does sustained individual success look like?"
The early contenders: "What explanations seem like the One Thing, but aren't?"
What is sustained success?: "It's a broad term. How do we define it?"
6: The Three Main Contenders
Contender 1: "Find the right tactics and employ them."
Contender 2: "Find your flaws and fix them."
Contender 3: "Discover your strengths and cultivate them."
7: So, How Do You Sustain Success If...?
You're bored
You're unfulfilled
You're frustrated
You're drained
Conclusion: Intentional Imbalance
"The One Thing You Need to Know is actually a modest title. It contains many things you need to know. Marcus Buckingham is flat out the most original, provocative writer there is on the subjects of leadership and management. He comes to his theories the old-fashioned way: by truly getting to know the people and the workplaces he writes about. He also happens to be a wonderful writer and a joy to read."
-- Tony Schwartz, coauthor of The Power of Full Engagement; president, The Energy Project
"Buckingham is a superb writer and speaker who can make complex ideas crystal clear, cut through to the core insight, and reveal its crucial importance. He has been an inspiration to all of us at Lexus."
-- Denny Clements, group vice president and general manager, Lexus U.S.
"As I read The One Thing You Need to Know, for the first time I had the urge to compare someone -- Marcus Buckingham -- to Peter Drucker. Buckingham performs the most magical of acts: He speaks with surpassing common sense, yet reaches profoundly uncommon conclusions. This is a wise -- and radical -- book; a true gem worth savoring."
-- Tom Peters
"Given the tremendous complexities of today's business environment and consumer expectations, Marcus Buckingham is able to deliver a clear path of understanding to the simple truths at the heart of managing and leading. The 'one thing' I find invaluable about this book is its unique, challenging examples about how to stay laser focused on operational excellence."
-- Robert L. Nardelli, chairman, president, and CEO, The Home Depot, Inc.
"Marcus Buckingham has a keen sense of what it takes to excel, and he backs his insights with an impressive body of in-depth interviews and research. This is an important book for anybody who aspires to effective leadership, managing, or any kind of enduring individual achievement."
-- Richard M. Kovacevich, chairman, president, and CEO, Wells Fargo and Company
Following the success of the landmark bestsellers First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths, Marcus Buckingham offers a dramatically new way to understand the art of success. With over 1.6 million copies of First, Break All the Rules (co-authored with Curt Coffman) and Now, Discover Your Strengths (co-authored with Donald O. Clifton) in print, Cambridge-educated Buckingham is considered one of the most respected business authorities on the subject of management and leadership in the world. With The One Thing You Need to Know, he gives readers an invaluable course in outstanding achievement -- a guide to capturing the essence of the three most fundamental areas of professional activity. Great managing, leading, and career success -- Buckingham draws on a wealth of applicable examples to reveal that a controlling insight lies at the heart of the three. Lose sight of this "one thing" and even the best efforts will be diminished or compromised. Readers will be eager to discover the surprisingly different answers to each of these rich and complex subjects. Each could be explained endlessly to detail their many facets, but Buckingham's great gift is his ability to cut through the mass of often-conflicting agendas and zero in on what matters most, without ever oversimplifying. As he observes, success comes to those who remain mindful of the core insight, understand all of its ramifications, and orient their decisions around it. Buckingham backs his arguments with authoritative research from a wide variety of sources, including his own research data and in-depth interviews with individuals at every level of an organization, from CEO's to hotel maids and stockboys. In every way a groundbreaking book, The One Thing You Need to Know offers crucial performance and career lessons for business people at all career stages.
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