奥芬巴哈著名歌剧选段Offenbach’s Songs from the Great Operettas  rb kindle 网盘 umd 极速 下载 pdf mobi

 奥芬巴哈著名歌剧选段Offenbach’s Songs from the Great Operettas 精美图片
》 奥芬巴哈著名歌剧选段Offenbach’s Songs from the Great Operettas 电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

奥芬巴哈著名歌剧选段Offenbach’s Songs from the Great Operettas 书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780486233413
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1976-6
  • 页数:195
  • 价格:134.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Jacques Offenbach (18t9-1880) was one of the greatest composers of lighthearted

operettas, and his famous songs continue to cbarm millions who know neither their name nor their composer. This volume brings together tile sheet music for 38 songs from 14 operettas. These are Offenbach's most popular songs, and they are reproduced from the original sheet music (some witb lively pictorial covers) or, in a few cases, from the original piano-vocal scores.

Included are four songs from Orphee aux enfers (Orpheus in the Underworld),five songs from La belle Helene, four songs from La vie parisienne, six songsfrom La Grande Duehesse de Gdrolstein, seven songs from La Pdrichole, three songs from La fille du tambour-realor, and more. Tile complete French texts appear on the music pages, while a separate section gives newly translated English versions.

All tile songs have been chosen by Antonio de Almeida, tile renowned French

orchestral conductor who is probably tbe world's foremost authority on Often-bach. He has also written an excellent Introduction covering tlle conlposer'scareer, the operettas' first nights, and the place of tbe songs in tlle operettas.Whether you are familiar with Offenbach or not, you will be delighted withthese unsurpassed operetta songs. You cannot find them irl any similarly low-priced edition.

Original Dover (1976) publication. Introduction by Antonio de Almeida. Trans

lation of Frencb texts by Stanley Appelbaum. 21 illustrations, xxi -- 195pp.

9×12. Paperbound.



LA CHANSON DE FORTUNIO (1861); pub by Heugel & Cie

"Chanson de Fortunio" (1850); words by Alfred de Musset

ORPHEE AUX ENFERS (1858); words by Hector Cr6mieux;pub by Heugel & Cie

"Rondeau des metamorphoses" ]"Couplets"; from original vocal score]

"Couplets du roi de Beotie"

"Hymnea Bacchus"

"Menuet, galop infernal et choeur" [from original vocal score]

LE PONT DES SOUPIRS (1861); words by Hector Cr6mieux & Ludovic Halvvv; pub by E Gerard et Cie


LA BELLE HELENE (1864); words by Henri Meilhac & Ludovic Hal6vy;pub by EGarard et Cie

"Couplets d'Oreste"

"Le jugement de Paris"

"Couplets des rois"

"Duo du reve'"


BARBE-BLEUE (1866); words by Henri Meilhac & Ludovic Hal6vy;pub by E Gerard et Cie

"Rondo (Or, depuis la rose nouvelle)"

LA VIE PARISIENNE (1866); words by Henri Meilhac & Ludovic Hal6vy;pub by E Heu

"Rondeau (Je suis Bresilien, j'ai de I'or)"

"Rondo (Autrefois plus d'un amant)"

"'Rondeau de ia lettre (Vous souvient-il, ma belle)"

"Chanson a boire (En endossant mon uniforme)"

LA GRANDE DUCHESSE DE GEROLSTEIN (1867); words byHenri Meilhac & Ludovic Halvy; pub by G Brandus & S Dufour

"Tiff, paff, pouff"

"Rondo de la Duchesse (Ah! que j aime ies militaires!)'"

"Chronique de la gazette de Hollande"

"'Couplets du sabre"

"Declaration (Dites-lui)"

"'La legende du verre'"

GENEVIVE DE BRABANT (1867); words by Hector Cremieux & Etienne Trefeu; pub by Heugel & Cie

"Couplets des deux hommes d'armes"

LA PERICHOLE (1868); words by Henri Meilhac & Ludovic Halevy;pub by G Brandus & S Dufour

"Couplets de I'incognito"

"Complainte (L Espagnol et la jeune indienne)"

"'La lettre de la P6richole'"


"Ah! que les hommes sont betes" lfrom original vocal score]

"Ronde des maris r"

"Couplets des aveux" (1874)

LES BRIGANDS (1869);. words by Henri Meilhac & Ludovic Hal6vy;pub. by E. Gallet

"'Ronde des carabiniers"

POMME D'API (1873); words by Ludovic Halevy & William Busnach;pub. by Choudens

"Rondeau (J'en prendrai un, deux, trois)"

MADAME L'ARCHIDUC (1874); words by Albert Millaud;pub. by Choudens

"'Couplets du petit bonhomme"

"'Couplets de laphabet"

LE VOYAGE DANS LA LUNE (1875); words by ALbert Vanloo, Eug6ne Leterrier & Arnold Mortier; pub. by Choudens Pere & Fils

"Valse (Monde charmant que l'on ignore)"

LA FILLE DU TAMBOUR-MAJOR (1879); words by A. Duru & H. Chivot; pub. by Choudens Pere & Fils

"Couplets du tailleur"

"Couplets du petit Francais'"

"Chanson de la fille du tambour-major"












This volume brings together the original sheet music for 38 beautiful songs from 14 of Offenbach's greatest operettas: "Chanson de Fortunio," "Hymne a Bacchus," "Le jugement de Paris," "Tyrolienne," "Ronde des carabiniers," "Chanson a boire," "Couplets des deux hommes d'armes," "Monde charmant que l'on ignore," 30 more. Includes English translations of lyrics. Includes 21 illustrations.


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  • 章节划分:5分

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  • 新颖与独特:6分

  • 情感共鸣:4分

  • 引人入胜:4分

  • 现实相关:3分

  • 沉浸感:9分

  • 事实准确性:8分

  • 文化贡献:3分


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  • 下载便捷性:6分


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