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Before September 11, 2001, one terrorist group had killed more
Americans than any other: Hezbollah, the “Party of God.” Today it
remains potentially more dangerous than even al Qaeda. Yet little
has been known about its inner workings, past successes, and future
plans–until now.
Written by an accomplished journalist and a law-enforcement
expert, Lightning Out of Lebanon is a chilling and essential
addition to our understanding of the external and internal threats
to America. In disturbing detail, it portrays the degree to which
Hezbollah has infiltrated this country and the extent to which it
intends to do us harm.
Formed in Lebanon by Iranian Revolutionary Guards in 1982,
Hezbollah is fueled by hatred of Israel and the United States. Its
1983 truck-bomb attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut
killed 241 soldiers–the largest peacetime loss ever for the U.S.
military–and caused President Reagan to withdraw all troops from
Lebanon. Since then, among other atrocities, Hezbollah has murdered
Americans at the U.S. embassy in Lebanon and the Khobar Towers U.S.
military housing complex in Saudi Arabia; tortured and killed the
CIA station chief in Beirut; held organizational meetings with top
members of al Qaeda–including Osama bin Laden–and established
sleeper cells in the United States and Canada.
Lightning Out of Lebanon reveals how, starting in 1982, a cunning
and deadly Hezbollah terrorist named Mohammed Youssef Hammoud
operated a cell in Charlotte, North Carolina, under the radar of
American intelligence. The story of how FBI special agent Rick
Schwein captured him in 2002 is a brilliantly researched and
written account.
Yet the past is only prologue in the unsettling odyssey of
Hezbollah. Using their exclusive sources in the Middle East and
inside the U.S. counterterrorism establishment, the authors of
Lightning Out of Lebanon imagine the deadly future of Hezbollah and
posit how best to combat the group which top American
counterintelligence officials and Senator Bob Graham, vice-chairman
of the Senate Intelligence Committee, have called “the A Team of
From the Hardcover edition.
BARBARA NEWMAN, author of The Covenant: Love and Death in
Beirut, is a senior fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of
Democracies and is the founder of Barbara Newman Productions, Inc.,
which has produced numerous documentary films for Discovery
Channel, A&E Network, the History Channel, and Showtime, among
others. She was senior producer/creator of the Now It Can Be Told
series, a nationally syndicated newsmagazine, and, before that, an
investigative producer for ABC News’s 20/20. She was also a
correspondent for National Public Radio and hosted All Things
TOM DIAZ is the author of Making a Killing: The Business of Guns
in America. From 1993 to 1997 he was the lead Democratic counsel on
counterterrorism issues, helping to write key antiterrorism
legislation. He has recently served as a consultant to the U.S.
Department of Justice on the use of high technology by terrorists
and as law-enforcement investigative tools. As a reporter he has
covered conflicts and tensions in Central America, India, Pakistan,
the former Soviet Union, and the closing days of the 1991 Gulf
From the Hardcover edition.
Praise for Lightning Out of Lebanon
“Lightning Out of Lebanon is a combination true-crime story,
adventure tale, and wake-up call for America. Investigative
journalists Barbara Newman and Tom Diaz have detailed the
activities of the Lebanese-based Hezbollah terrorist organization
in the United States and if you thought al Qaeda was the only
terrorist group you had to worry about, think again. . . . A
revealing account of the terrorists among us that should be
required reading for all Americans.”
–Neil C. Livingstone, author of Inside the PLO
“An eye-opener . . . reads like a novel, but documents in detail
how operatives of what many call the ‘A-Team of Terrorism’ have
taken advantage of our freedoms, legal loopholes, and defense
weaknesses to set up support cells in communities all over America.
But it also tells of a success story–how dedicated federal and
local law enforcement officials broke up and successfully
prosecuted a secret terrorist cell, leading to other investigations
that continue today.”
–Senator Joe Lieberman
From the Hardcover edition.
Before September 11, 2001, one terrorist group had killed more Americans than any other: Hezbollah, the “Party of God.” Today it remains potentially more dangerous than even al Qaeda. Yet little has been known about its inner workings, past successes, and future plans–until now.
Written by an accomplished journalist and a law-enforcement expert, Lightning Out of Lebanon is a chilling and essential addition to our understanding of the external and internal threats to America. In disturbing detail, it portrays the degree to which Hezbollah has infiltrated this country and the extent to which it intends to do us harm.
Formed in Lebanon by Iranian Revolutionary Guards in 1982, Hezbollah is fueled by hatred of Israel and the United States. Its 1983 truck-bomb attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut killed 241 soldiers–the largest peacetime loss ever for the U.S. military–and caused President Reagan to withdraw all troops from Lebanon. Since then, among other atrocities, Hezbollah has murdered Americans at the U.S. embassy in Lebanon and the Khobar Towers U.S. military housing complex in Saudi Arabia; tortured and killed the CIA station chief in Beirut; held organizational meetings with top members of al Qaeda–including Osama bin Laden–and established sleeper cells in the United States and Canada.
Lightning Out of Lebanon reveals how, starting in 1982, a cunning and deadly Hezbollah terrorist named Mohammed Youssef Hammoud operated a cell in Charlotte, North Carolina, under the radar of American intelligence. The story of how FBI special agent Rick Schwein captured him in 2002 is a brilliantly researched and written account.
Yet the past is only prologue in the unsettling odyssey of Hezbollah. Using their exclusive sources in the Middle East and inside the U.S. counterterrorism establishment, the authors of Lightning Out of Lebanon imagine the deadly future of Hezbollah and posit how best to combat the group which top American counterintelligence officials and Senator Bob Graham, vice-chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, have called “the A Team of terrorism.”
From the Hardcover edition.
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