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Paul Krugman, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in economics, shows how today's crisis parallels the events that caused the Great Depression - and explains what it will take to avoid catastrophe. In 1999, in "The Return of Depression Economics", Paul Krugman surveyed the economic crises that had swept across Asia and Latin America, and warned that those crises were a warning for all of us: like diseases that have become resistant to antibiotics, the economic maladies that caused the Great Depression were making a comeback. In the years that followed, as Wall Street boomed and financial wheeler-dealers made vast profits, the international crises of the 1990s faded from memory. But now depression economics has come to America: when the great housing bubble of the mid-2000s burst, the U.S. financial system proved as vulnerable as those of developing countries caught up in earlier crises - and a replay of the 1930s seems all too possible. In this new, greatly updated edition of "The Return of Depression Economics", Krugman shows how the failure of regulation to keep pace with an increasingly out-of-control financial system set the United States, and the world as a whole, up for the greatest financial crisis since the 1930s. He also lays out the steps that must be taken to contain the crisis, and turn around a world economy sliding into a deep recession. Brilliantly crafted in Krugman's trademark style - lucid, lively, and supremely informed - this new edition of "The Return of Depression Economics" will become an instant cornerstone of the debate over how to respond to the crisis.
Anyway, the equations and diagrams of formal economics are, more often than not, no more than a scaffolding used to help construct an intellectual edifice. Once that edifice has been built to a certain point, the scaffolding can be stripped away, leaving only plain English behind.
For the first time since 1917, then, we live in a world in which property rights and free markets are viewed as fundamental principles, not grudging expedients; where the unpleasant aspects of market system -- inequality, unemployment, injustice -- are accepted as facts of life. As in the Victorian era, capitalism is secure not only because of its successes ...... but because nobody has a plausible alternative.
"With the rise of the modern corporation, the emergence of the organization required by modern technology and planning and divorce of the owner of capital from control of the enterprise, the entrepreneur no longer exists as an individual person in the mature industrial enterprise." ...... The information industries, however, shook up the industrial order. As in the nineteenth century, the econmic story became one of remarkable individuals: of men who had a better idea, developed it in their garage or on their kitchen table, and struck it rich. Business magazines actually become interesting to read; and business success came to seem admirable, in a way that it hadn't for more than a century.
The benefits of export-led economic growth to the mass of people in the newly industrializing economies were not a matter of conjecture......These improvements did not take place because well-meaning people in the West did anything to help -- foreign aid, never large, shrank in the 1990s to virtually nothing. Now was it the result of the benign policies of national governments, which, ...... were as callous and corrupt as ever. It was he indirect and unintended result of the actions of soulless multinational corporations and rapacious local entrepreneurs, whose only concern was to take advantage of the profit opportunities offered by cheap labor. It was not an edifying spactacle; but no matter how base the motives of those involved, the result was to move hundreds of millions of people fro...
Over the course of the 1970s a "new class" had become increasingly influential within Mexico's ruling party and government. Well educated, often with graduate degrees from Harvard or MIT, fluent in English and internationalist in outlook, they were Mexican enough to navigate the PRI's boss-and-patronage political waters, but Americanized enough to believe that things should be different......the "technopols," who could explain how free-market reforms had worked in Chile, how export-oriented growth had worked in Korea, how inflation stabilization had been achieved in Israel, found themselves the men of the hour. They were not alone: by the mid-1980s many Latin American economists had abandoned the statist views of the fifties and sixties in favor of what came to be the Washington Consensus:...
Dornbusch and others argued that the problem lay in the value of the peso: an excessively strong currency was pricing Mexican goods out of world markets, preventing economy from taking advantage of its growing capacity What Mexico needed, then, was a devaluation -- a onetime reduction in the dollar value of the peso, which would get its economy moving again. After all, in 1992 Britain aid had been forced by financial markets to the let value of the pound decline, and the result of was to turn a recession into a boom. Mexico, said some, needed a dose of the same medicine.
有谁能比最新的诺贝尔经济学奖得主、专栏作者兼作家 保罗•克鲁格曼更好地指引我们了解2008金融危机并探索冲出危机之道?
。 "清晰有力地分析了全球金融市场的危险,给那些自负或对经济无知的政策制定者敲响警钟" 《经济学家》
"论证之清晰明了,一般作者难以望其项背......一本极好的书" 《金融时报》
Paul Krugman, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in economics, shows how today's crisis parallels the events that caused the Great Depression - and explains what it will take to avoid catastrophe. In 1999, in "The Return of Depression Economics", Paul Krugman surveyed the economic crises that had swept across Asia and Latin America, and warned that those crises were a warning for all of us: like diseases that have become resistant to antibiotics, the economic maladies that caused the Great Depression were making a comeback. In the years that followed, as Wall Street boomed and financial wheeler-dealers made vast profits, the international crises of the 1990s faded from memory. But now depression economics has come to America: when the great housing bubble of the mid-2000s burst, the U.S. financial system proved as vulnerable as those of developing countries caught up in earlier crises - and a replay of the 1930s seems all too possible. In this new, greatly updated edition of "The Return of Depression Economics", Krugman shows how the failure of regulation to keep pace with an increasingly out-of-control financial system set the United States, and the world as a whole, up for the greatest financial crisis since the 1930s. He also lays out the steps that must be taken to contain the crisis, and turn around a world economy sliding into a deep recession. Brilliantly crafted in Krugman's trademark style - lucid, lively, and supremely informed - this new edition of "The Return of Depression Economics" will become an instant cornerstone of the debate over how to respond to the crisis.
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