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“Leading financial columnist MarksJarvis presents the everyman’s guide to saving for retirement. The idea of navigating the world of 401Ks and Roth IRAs leaves many people scared, cold, or both. This book will help reduce the confusion, anxiety and avoidance that many people associate with saving for retirement. Informed by thousands of calls and emails from readers over the years, MarksJarvis understands exactly what people want and need to know about managing their personal finances. Here, she provides guidance and answers common questions in an organized and reader-friendly style. Readers will learn how to calculate what they’ll need for their nest egg, how to open an IRA, make sense of mutual funds and when to consult a financial advisor. Sensible–but not stuffy–this book will convince young people to start saving now, and will help ensure that panicked middle-aged readers will not be spending their golden years in the poor house." --Kirkus Reports
1 Start Investing Earl~or Start Now
Feeling Incompetent
Shared Ignorance
Cet Real
2 Know What YoU’11 Need
The Retirement Difference:Pensions
Today's Responsibilities Are YoUFS
Confusion Reigns
What DO YoU Need?
HOW FinanciaI Planners Evaluate Your Needs
Saving Enough?
Don’t Let Fear Sidetrack YoU
Don’t Save ToO Much
Doing a Retirement Calculation Like a Pro
Imagine Your Life at 65 and 75
Health Insurance Is a Black Hole
When Will You Retire?
Nursing Homes
How Long Will You Live?
Women Live Longer, Need More Money
Dig Out These Records
How Much Security Is Social Security?
Olden Days with Old-Style Pensions
401(k), 403(b), 457, and Profit Sharing
IRAs and Other Savings Accounts
The Big Guess Numbers
The Easy Calculation
Two Easy Rules of Thumb
How Do You Turn $25 a Week into $1 Million?
Using Your Calculation: The Advanced Lesson
3 Savings on Steroids: Use a 401(k)and an IRA
The Hard Way
What's the Difference?
Get the Match
The Power of Warding Off Taxes
Mutual Funds Get Taxed
An IRA Instead?
How to Use Your 401(k) or 403(b)
Changing Your Mind
Getting Started
More Tax Help Than You Imagined
Take Baby Steps
Can You Spare a Dime?
4 An IRA——Every American's Treasure Trove
5 IRA Decisions:How to Start,Where to Go
6 Why the Stock Market Ian's a Roulette Wheel
7 What's a Mutual Fund?
8 Making Sense of Wacky Mutual Fund Names
9 Know Your Mutual Fund Manager's Job
10 The Only Way Theat Works:Asset Allocation
11 Do This
12 How to Pick Mutual Funds:Bargain Shop
13 Index Funds:Get What You Pay For
14 Simple Does It:No——Brainer Investing with Target-Date Funds
15 Do You Need a Financial Adviser?
Award-winning personal finance columnist read by millions of people each week The Incredibly Simple, Step-by-Step Guide to Investing Money for Your Future! “A cover-to-cover must-read for everyone 16 to 60 who wants to live the American Dream. The earlier we choosetosave®, the sooner we can stop saving, and the later we start saving the more we need to know in order to catch up. What you need to know; where you can find the answers; how you can take action. It is all here.” –Dallas Salisbury, CEO, Employee Benefit Research Institute and American Savings Education Council ( “Bookstores are full of tomes advising people how to save for retirement, yet millions of people are still hopelessly confused about what they should do. Gail MarksJarvis breaks it down into simple steps that anyone can do to ensure a more comfortable retirement. Read this book and prosper!” –Liz Pulliam Weston, MSN Money Personal finance columnist and best-selling author of Your Credit Score “This book offers a sensible, sophisticated approach for tackling the daunting challenge of saving for retirement. The good news? You can retire–without living on canned food or buying lottery tickets–if you follow Gail’s realistic strategies for saving, investing, and ultimately spending money in retirement.” –Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press “You can wallpaper a warehouse with all of the awful investment advice offered up every year in newspapers, magazines, and books. One of the most difficult tasks is to separate the get-rich-quick hype from the truly worthwhile knowledge that will make you wealthy over time. I’m thrilled to say that Gail MarksJarvis has cut through the claptrap of investment cacophony and provided not only a solid plan for retirement saving, but a realistic, common-sense approach to personal finance in general. This is a triumph.” –John F. Wasik, Bloomberg News personal finance columnist and author, The Merchant of Power Drawn from responses to questions from over 20,000 readers of the author’s personal finance columns. Over the years, Chicago Tribune financial columnist Gail MarksJarvis has taken the time to listen and respond to thousands of her readers about the issues, questions, and concerns that are most important to them. Saving and investing for retirement has never been more important...and with this book, it’s never been clearer what you need to do and how to do it. Don’t wait another day! Discover… How much you’ll need and how to get there… even if you’ve fallen behind Exactly how to set up IRAs, 401(k)s, or 403(b)s in minutes and pocket your tax money How to harness the money-making power of the stock market How to pick the right mutual funds confidently with simple strategies and specific recommendations Incredibly easy, safe investing strategies based on professional money-management techniques "Gimmick-free" investing shortcuts that won’t backfire on you How to keep debt from making you poor How to get reliable help if you need it…and avoid incompetents or scam artists How the new 2006 pension laws affect you MarksJarvis eliminates the insider jargon, confusion, and math…takes the mystery out of the stock market…simplifies investing techniques…answers all your questions…clears away every obstacle in your way so you make money without taking foolish risks. She’s already done it for millions, in the nation’s top newspapers and most popular financial radio and TV shows. Now, she’ll do it for you, too! Introduction 1 Start Investing Early, or Start Now 1 2 Know What You'll Need 9 3 Savings on Steroids: Use a 401(k) and an IRA 39 4 An IRA—Every American’s Treasure Trove 59 5 IRA Decisions: How to Start, Where to Go 65 6 Why the Stock Market Isn't a Roulette Wheel 89 7 What's a Mutual Fund? 105 8 Making Sense of Wacky Mutual Fund Names 115 9 Know Your Mutual Fund Manager's Job 127 10 The Only Way that Works: Asset Allocation 151 11 Do This 163 12 How to Pick Mutual Funds: Bargain Shop 181 13 Index Funds: Get What You Pay For 189 14 Simple Does It: No-Brainer Investing with Target-Date Funds 209 15 Do You Need a Financial Adviser? 219 Index 229
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