The Green Screen Handbook: Real-World Production Techniques 9780470521076 rb kindle 网盘 umd 极速 下载 pdf mobi

The Green Screen Handbook: Real-World Production Techniques 9780470521076电子书下载地址
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The definitive guide to green screen technology Whether you're
on a budget or working with high-end HD, this four-color expert
guide gives you step-by-step instruction to green screening (or
chroma keying) technology in today's competitive digital video
landscape. This book covers the entire gamut: basic setup using
cloth, panels, cardboard or paint and a digital camera; broadcast
TV hardware switchers; professional HD and major motion picture
compositing; and multiple-colored screen composites (background,
foregrounds, and objects). A bonus DVD includes sample video
footage, project files and sample software where applicable. Green
screen technology, or chroma keying, is the process of filming live
actors in front of a green background so that another background
can be replaced during post-production Explains how this process
enables computer-generated characters to be placed on top of
live-action footage, as was done with Gollum in "The Lord of the
Rings" triology Describes tools and techniques that have been used
in real-world production environments Whether on a shoestring
budget or working with high-end HD system, the step-by-step
instruction can save you time and money.
Part 1 Exploring the Matting Process.
Chapter 1 Mattes and Compositing Defined.
Chapter 2 Digital Matting Methods and Tools.
Chapter 3 Basic Shooting Setups.
Chapter 4 Basic Compositing Techniques.
Chapter 5 Simple Setups on a Budget.
Chapter 6 Green Screens in Live Broadcasts.
Chapter 7 How the Pros Do It.
Part 2 Setting the Scene.
Chapter 8 Choosing the Right Matting Process for Your
Chapter 9 Proper Lighting Techniques.
Chapter 10 Matching Your Subjects to the Background.
Chapter 11 Digital Cameras and Camcorders.
Chapter 12 Storyboarding and Directing Your Talent.
Chapter 13 Interacting with the Background and
Part 3 Compositing the Footage.
Chapter 14 Getting a Great Matte.
Chapter 15 Color Balancing the Subject and Background.
Chapter 16 Fixing Problem Green Screen Shots.
Chapter 17 Working with Virtual Sets.
Chapter 18 Motion Tracking and Matchmoving.
Chapter 19 Complex Composites.
Appendix A Products and Services Mentioned in This
Appendix B About the Companion DVD.
Jeff Foster has been producing traditional and digital images,
photography, illustration, motion graphics, and special effects for
digital video and film for over 20 years. Some of his clients
include Tribune Broadcasting, FAA, Nestle, McDonnell Douglas, FOX
Television, Spike TV, Discovery/TLC, Universal Studios, and Disney.
He has also written and contributed to several After Effects and
Photoshop books, conducted training seminars, and been a featured
speaker at several national conferences such as Macworld, Photoshop
World, AdobeMAX, and NAB.
Product Description
Make movies and videos with green screen compositing technology with The Green Screen Handbook: Real-World Production Techniques. This unique guide is a comprehensive how-to of professional production techniques, step-by-step instruction, and tips that can save you time and money. Learn when to use green screens instead of blue, find out how the pros operate in professional studios, and get amazing results—even on a shoestring budget.
Topics include matting and keying basics; setups using fabric, portable background panels, or paint; lighting and digital camera essentials; broadcast TV hardware switchers; professional HD and major motion picture compositing; multiple-colored screen composites (background, foregrounds, and objects); directing storyboards and talent; working with virtual sets; motion tracking; and much more.
See how to plan, set up, and execute your shots to reduce fixes in post
Choose the right keying process for your project
Master basic shooting setups and live broadcast keying
Understand proper lighting and how to match subjects to the background
Create a working storyboard and learn how to select and direct talent
Composite your footage and fix problem shots
Work creatively with virtual sets, motion tracking, and match moving
Master techniques that apply to all compositing software and plug-ins
The DVD includes sample footage and all project files to accompany the chapters in the book.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
From the Back Cover
Bring Reality and Fantasy Together with Cinematic Results
If you want to make movies with green screen compositing technology, The Green Screen Handbook is just for you. This unique guide is a comprehensive how-to of professional production techniques, step-by-step instruction, and tips that can save you time and money. Learn when to use green screens instead of blue, find out how the pros operate in professional studios, and get amazing results—even on a shoestring budget.
Topics include matting and keying basics; setups using fabric, portable background panels, or paint; lighting and digital camera essentials; broadcast TV hardware switchers; professional HD and major motion picture compositing; multiple-colored screen composites (background, foregrounds, and objects); directing storyboards and talent; working with virtual sets; motion tracking; and much more.
See how to plan, set up, and execute your shots to reduce fixes in post
Choose the right keying process for your project
Master basic shooting setups and live broadcast keying
Understand proper lighting and how to match subjects to the background
Create a working storyboard and learn how to select and direct talent
Composite your footage and fix problem shots
Work creatively with virtual sets, motion tracking, and match moving
Master techniques that apply to all compositing software and plug-ins
The DVD includes sample footage and all project files to accompany the chapters in the book.
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