基本粒子及其相互作用:概念和唯象论 (加)金广浩 著 世界图书出版公司 rb kindle 网盘 umd 极速 下载 pdf mobi

基本粒子及其相互作用:概念和唯象论 (加)金广浩 著 世界图书出版公司精美图片
》基本粒子及其相互作用:概念和唯象论 (加)金广浩 著 世界图书出版公司电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

基本粒子及其相互作用:概念和唯象论 (加)金广浩 著 世界图书出版公司书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787510004858
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-04
  • 页数:661
  • 价格:36.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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The last few decades have seen major advances in the physics of elementary particles. New generations of particle accelerators and detectors have e into operation, and have successfully contributed to improving the quantity and quality of data on diverse interaction processes and to the discoveries of whole new families of particles. At the same time, important new ideas have emerged in quantum field theory, culminating in the developments of theories for the weak and strong interactions to plement quantum electrodynam-ics, the theory of the electromagic force. The simplest of the new theories that are at the same time mathematically consistent and physically successful constitute what is known as the standard model of the fundamental interac-tions. This book is an attempt to present these remarkable advances at an elementary level, making them accessible to students familiar with quantum mechanics, special relativity, and classical electrodynamics.


1 Particles and Interactions: An Overview

1.1 A Preview

1.2 Particles

 1.3 Interactions

 1.4 Symmetries

 1.5 Physical Units


 Suggestions for Further Reading

2 Boson Fields

 2.1 Lorentz Symmetry

 2.2 Scalar Fields

 2.3 Vector Fields

 2.4 The Klein-Gordon Equation

 2.5 Quantized Vector Fields

 2.6 The Action

3 Fermion Fields

 3.1 The Dirac Equation

 3.2 Lorentz Symmetry

 3.3 Free-Particle Solutions

 3.4 The Lagrangian for a Free Dirac Particle

 3.5 Quantization of the Dirac Field

 3.6 Zero-Mass Fermions


 Suggestions for Further Reading

4 Collisions and Decays

 4.1 Interaction Reoresentation

 4.2 Cross-Sections and Decay Rates

 4.3 Interaction Models

 4.4 Decay Modes of Scalar Particles

 4.5 Pion Scattering

 4.6 Electron-Proton Scattering

 4.7 Electron-Positron Annihilation

 4.8 Compton Scattering


 Suggestions for Further Reading

5 Discrete Symmetries

 5.1 Parity

 5.2 Time Inversion

 5.3 Charge Conjugation

 5.4 The CPT Theorem


 Suggestions for Further Reading

6 Hadrons and Isospin

 6.1 Charge Symmetry and Charge Independence

 6.2 Nucleon Field in Isospin Space

 6.3 Pion Field in Isospin Space

 6.4 G-Parity

 6.5 Isospin of Strange Particles

 6.6 Isospin Violations


 Suggestions for Further Reading

7 Quarks and SU(3) Symmetry

 7.1 Isospin: SU(2) Symmetry

 7.2 Hypercharge: SU(3) Symmetry

 7.3 Mass Splitting of the Had-ron Multiplets

 7.4 Including Spin: SU(6)

 7.5 The Color of Quarks

 7.6 The New Particles


 Suggestions for Further Reading

8 Gauge Field Theories

 8.1 Symmetries and Interactions

 8.2 Abelian Gauge Invariance

 8.3 Non-Abelian Gauge Invariance

 8.4 Quantum Chromodynamics

 8.5 Spontaneous Breaking of Global Symmetries

 8.6 Spontaneous Breaking of Local Symmetries


 Suggestions for Further Reading

9 The Standard Model of the Electroweak Interaction

 9.1 The Weak Interaction Before the Gauge Theories

 9.2 Gauge-Invariant Model of One-Lepton Family

 9.3 Including u and d Quarks

 9.4 Multigeneration Model


 Suggestions for Further Reading

10 Electron-Nucleon Scattering

 10.1 Electromagic and Weak Form Factors

 10.2 Analyticity and Dispersion Relation

 10.3 Exclusive Reaction: Elastic Scattering

 10.4 Inclusive Reaction: Deep Inelastic Scattering


 Suggestions for Further Reading

11 Neutral K Mesons and CP Violation

 11.1 The Two Neutral K Mesons

 11.2 Strangeness Oscillations

 11.3 Regeneration of K

 11.4 Calculation of △m

 11.5 CP Violation


 Suggestions for Further Reading

12 The Neutrinos

 12.1 On the Neutrino Masses

 12.2 Oscillations in the Vacuum

 12.3 Oscillations in Matter

 12.4 Neutral Currents by Neutrino Scattering

 12.5 Neutrino-Nucleon Elastic Scattering

 12.6 Neutrino-Nucleon Deep Inelastic Collision


 Suggestions for Further Reading

13 Muon and Tau Lepton Decays

 13.1 Weak Decays: Classification and Generalities

 13.2 Leptonic Modes

 13.3 Semileptonic Decays

 13.4 The Method of Spectral Functions


 Suggestions for Further Reading

14 One-Loop QCD Corrections

 14.1 Vertex Function

 14.2 Quark Self-Energy

 14.3 Mass and Field Renormalization

 14.4 Virtual Gluon Contributions

 14.5 Real Gluon Contributions

 14.6 Final Result


 Suggestions for Further Reading

15 Asymptotic Freedom in QCD

 15.1 Running Coupling Constant

 15.2 The Renormalization Group

 15.3 One-Loop Computation of the QCD β-Function

 15.4 Ghosts


 Suggestions for Further Reading

16 Heavy Flavors

 16.1 QCD Renormalization of Weak Interactions

 16.2 Heavy Flavor Symmetry

 16.3 Inclusive Decays

 16.4 Exclusive Decays

 16.5 CP Violation in B Mesons


 Suggestious for Further Reading

17 Status and Perspectives of the Standard Mode

 17.1 Production and Decay of the Higgs Boson

 17.2 Why Go Beyond the Standard Model?

 17.3 The Standard Model as an Effective Theory


 Suggestions for Further Reading

 Selected Solutions

Appendix: Useful Formulas

 A.1 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

 A.2 Cross-Sections and Decay Rates

 A.3 Phase Space and Loop Integrals

 A.4 Feynman Rules

 A.5 Parameters of the Standard Model



作者:(加拿大)金广浩 Quang Ho-Kim Pham Xuan Yem











《基本粒子及其相互作用:概念和唯象论》内容简介:The last few decades have seen major advances in the physics of elementary particles. New generations of particle accelerators and detectors have come into operation, and have successfully contributed to improving the quantity and quality of data on diverse interaction processes and to the discoveries of whole new families of particles. At the same time, important new ideas have emerged in quantum field theory, culminating in the developments of theories for the weak and strong interactions to complement quantum electrodynam-ics, the theory of the electromagnetic force. The simplest of the new theories that are at the same time mathematically consistent and physically successful constitute what is known as the standard model of the fundamental interac-tions. This book is an attempt to present these remarkable advances at an elementary level, making them accessible to students familiar with quantum mechanics, special relativity, and classical electrodynamics.


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