Out Of Our Minds - Learning To Be Creative 2E 9781907312472 rb kindle 网盘 umd 极速 下载 pdf mobi

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Ken Robinson argues that organisations everywhere are trying to
fix a problem that originates in schools and universities. Many
people leave education with no idea what their creative abilities
and strengths are. In a powerful and original way, he says why this
is and what organisations and individuals can do immediately to
recover their creative talents.
Revised edition will have following changes:
Updated to accommodate recent changes to the education system
(internationally), and to include more recent examples and case
Focus of the book shifted to give more international examples and
refer to US education system; to appeal to overseas markets.
Some of the heavier academic content has been stripped out and
content has been adapted for more consumer/think-piece market.
About the Author. Preface. 1 Out of Our Minds. 2 Facing the
Revolution. 3 The Trouble with Education. 4 The Academic Illusion.
5 Knowing Your Mind. 6 Being Creative. 7 Feeling Better. 8 You Are
Not Alone. 9 Being a Creative Leader. 10 Learning to be Creative.
Afterword. Endnotes. References. Index.
SIR KEN ROBINSON PhD is an internationally recognized leader in
the development of creativity, innovation and human resources. He
speaks to audiences throughout the world on the creative challenges
facing business and education in the new global economies. Sir Ken
is Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of Warwick in
the UK and has worked with governments in Europe, Asia and the
United States, with international agencies, Fortune 500 companies,
and some of the world's leading cultural organizations. His
renowned talks at the annual TED conference (2006 and 2010)
continued to be viewed online by many millions of people around the
world. In 2003, he received a knighthood from H.M. Queen Elizabeth
II for his services to the arts. In 2005 he was named as one of
Time/Fortune/CNN's Principal Voices. He has received numerous
honorary degrees and awards for his international work in
education, creativity and cultural development. He is author of New
York Times bestseller The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes
Everything, which has been translated into 20 languages.
In my experience, many, perhaps most peoplehave no idea of their real capabilities and talents. premise is thatwe are all born with immense natural talents but that too fewpeople discover what they are and even fewer develop themproperly. Ironically one of the main reasons for this massivewaste of talent is the very process that is meant to develop iteducation
First, human intelligence is profoundly and uniquely creative. We live in a world that's shaped by the ideas, beliefs and values of human imagination and culture. The human world is created out of our minds as much as from the natural environment. Thinking and feeling are not simply about seeing the world as it is, but having ideas about it, and interpreting experience to give it meaning. Different communities live differently according to the ideas they have and the meanings they experience. In a literal sense, we create the worlds we live in. We can also re-create them. The great revolutions in human history have often been brought about by new ideas: by new ways of seeing that have shattered old certainties. This is the essential process of cultural change.
Second, realizing our creative potential is partly a question of finding our medium, of being in our element(LZ注:在这里作者将in our element斜体了,可能与Robinson 2008年写的另一本书有关,书名叫The element:How finding your passion changes everything). Education should help us to achieve this, but too often it does not and too many people are instead displaced from their own true talents. They are out of their element and out of their minds in that sense.
Finally, there is a kind of mania driving the present direction of educational policy. In place of a reasoned debate about the strategies that are needed to face these extraordinary changes, there is a tired mantra bout raising traditional academic standards. These standards were designed for other times and for other purposes - as I will explain. We will not succeed in navigating the complex environment of the future by peering relentlessly into a rear-view mirror. To stay on this course we should be out of our minds in a more literal sense.
To answer these questions it is important to be clear about what creativity is and how it works in practice. There are three related ideas, which I will elaborate as we go on. They are imagination, which is the process of bringing to mind things that are not present to our senses; creativity, which is the process of developing original ideas that have value, and innovation, which is the process of putting new ideas into practice.
Ken Robinson argues that organisations everywhere are trying to
fix a problem that originates in schools and universities. Many
people leave education with no idea what their creative abilities
and strengths are. In a powerful and original way, he says why this
is and what organisations and individuals can do immediately to
recover their creative talents.
Revised edition will have following changes: Updated to
accommodate recent changes to the education system
(internationally), and to include more recent examples and case
studies Focus of the book shifted to give more international
examples and refer to US education system; to appeal to overseas
markets. Some of the heavier academic content has been stripped out
and content has been adapted for more consumer/think-piece
Ken Robinson argues that organisations everywhere are trying to fix a problem that originates in schools and universities. Many people leave education with no idea what their creative abilities and strengths are. In a powerful and original way, he says why this is and what organisations and individuals can do immediately to recover their creative talents. Revised edition will have following changes: Updated to accommodate recent changes to the education system (internationally), and to include more recent examples and case studies Focus of the book shifted to give more international examples and refer to US education system; to appeal to overseas markets. Some of the heavier academic content has been stripped out and content has been adapted for more consumer/think-piece market.
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