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Wouldn’t it be great if you could be audaciously ambitious and
happy at the same time?
You can, and you will.
We women aren’t advancing in our careers the way we should. We’re
not making the money we deserve or getting the fulfillment we
desire. And this time it’s not men who are holding us back. This
time we’re doing it to ourselves, because ambition—for us—is still
a dirty word.
Debra Condren has coached thousands of women at every level—from
those just starting out to the most powerful female executives in
the United States—and each one possesses the same fear: if she goes
after her dream, she’ll be seen as selfish, bitchy, a bad wife, or
bad mother. But it’s exactly this fear of ambition that has forced
women to leave the best part of themselves—their dreams, their
great talents—by the roadside, rendering them less able to be the
whole people they should be in every area of their lives.
Condren has a new message and mission: to remind women that
ambition is a virtue, not a vice. Ambition is the best of who we
The real way to have a great life is to see ambition as a part of
your value system to which you must give equal attention, along
with the other priorities you hold dear, including your spouse,
your children, and your friends. In Ambition is Not a Dirty Word,
Dr. Condren offers fresh, powerful tools for reclaiming your
dreams. Her eight Ambitious Rules provide concrete, innovative
solutions to the everyday struggles we as women face, like taking
credit, deflecting detractors, and handling confrontation, so that
you can become more powerful and fulfilled at work and more
satisfied at home. You can redefine your ambition in the face of
social sanctions and unapologetically go after your dreams without
sacrificing the rest of your life.
You owe it to yourself and the world to make the contribution you
were born to make. Debra Condren will show you how to do it.
Debra Condren, Ph.D., is a
business psychologist, entrepreneur, executive coach and career
advisor, and the founder and executive director of the Women's
Business Alliance, an organization that has served as a
motivational think tank for 3,000 women over fifteen years. Dr.
Condren received a U.S. Small Business Administration's Women in
Business Advocate of the Year Award in 2000. Her client roster
includes a diverse list of Fortune 500 companies, and a wide array
executives, professionals, and students between the ages of sixteen
and sixty. Debra's advice has been featured in major media outlets
including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the
Washington Post, ABC's "Nightline," and NPR's Morning Edition. She
lives in New York City and San Francisco with her husband, son, and
stepson. To receive Debra's complimentary CD, "Unleash Your
Ambition: You CAN Be Unapologetically Ambitious WITHOUT Sacrificing
A Rich, Fulfilling Personal Life" plus her weekly ezine, "Break It
Down, Debra! Updates On Ambition & Life."
Wouldn’t it be great if you could be audaciously ambitious and happy at the same time?
You can, and you will.
“I’m here to tell you that all of your priorities—personal and ambitious career goals alike—can fit together harmoniously. I’ll show you how, like thousands of women I’ve worked with over the years, you can make more money, earn the credit and recognition you deserve, have more power, and be as ambitious as you want to be. I’ll show you how you can be ambitious without compromising your ethics and integrity. I’ll show you that you can feel worthy and entitled to all of this without fear that you risk sacrificing your desire to have a full, happy personal life and without being afraid that you’ll be less of a woman. It’s worked for me. It’s worked for countless ambitious women I’ve advised. It will work for you.”
—From Ambition is Not a Dirty Word: A Woman's Guide to Earning Her Worth and Achieving Her Dreams
We women aren’t advancing in our careers the way we should. We’re not making the money we deserve or getting the fulfillment we desire. And this time it’s not men who are holding us back. This time we’re doing it to ourselves, because ambition—for us—is still a dirty word.
Debra Condren has coached thousands of women at every level—from those just starting out to the most powerful female executives in the United States—and each one possesses the same fear: if she goes after her dream, she’ll be seen as selfish, bitchy, a bad wife, or bad mother. But it’s exactly this fear of ambition that has forced women to leave the best part of themselves—their dreams, their great talents—by the roadside, rendering them less able to be the whole people they should be in every area of their lives.
Condren has a new message and mission: to remind women that ambition is a virtue, not a vice. Ambition is the best of who we are.
The real way to have a great life is to see ambition as a part of your value system to which you must give equal attention, along with the other priorities you hold dear, including your spouse, your children, and your friends. In Ambition is Not a Dirty Word , Dr. Condren offers fresh, powerful tools for reclaiming your dreams. Her eight Ambitious Rules provide concrete, innovative solutions to the everyday struggles we as women face, like taking credit, deflecting detractors, and handling confrontation, so that you can become more powerful and fulfilled at work and more satisfied at home. You can redefine your ambition in the face of social sanctions and unapologetically go after your dreams without sacrificing the rest of your life.
You owe it to yourself and the world to make the contribution you were born to make. Debra Condren will show you how to do it.
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