(库伯宁键盘作品选集Ⅱ)Complete Keyboard Works, Series II rb kindle 网盘 umd 极速 下载 pdf mobi

(库伯宁键盘作品选集Ⅱ)Complete Keyboard Works, Series II精美图片
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(库伯宁键盘作品选集Ⅱ)Complete Keyboard Works, Series II书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780486257969
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1988-12
  • 页数:240
  • 价格:134.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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In these magnificent works (there are over 200 compositions in the two volumes)lies the supreme achievement of French keyboard music, a rich source of subtle,sometimes startling, always pleasurable music for keyboard artists and students at every level of expertise. The moods, rhythms and melodies of these distinctive compositions range across a broad musical spectrum, from crisp gavottes to noble sarabandes, from flowing allemandes to lively gigues. Some of the pieces suggest carnival merriment, others tender reflection; most have colorful and mysterious names. Couperin's virtuoso command of harpsichord style, his magnificent technique and ever-fresh melodic imagination pervade them all.

Witty, graceful and tuneful, the keyboard works of Couperin represent a wonderful legacy of late-baroque masterpieces. Beautifully reproduced in this inexpensive edition, they make abundantly clear the justice of Bach's intense admiration for Couperin's music and the aptness of the French master's surname-"le grand."

Unabridged Dover (1988) republication of the edition published by Augener, Ltd., London, n.d. Table of contents. Preface by Friedrieh Chrysander. Table of ornaments. Glossary of French musical terms. 256pp. 81/8x11. Paperbound.





Explication des Agremens, et des Signes


Quatorzieme Ordre [Fourteenth Ordre]

 Le Rossignol en amour [The Nightingale in Love]

 Rondeau: La Linote efarouchee [The Frightened Linnet]

 Les Fauvetes Plaintives [The Plaintive Warblers]

 Le Rossignol vainqueur [The Victorious Nightingale]

 Rondeau: La Julliet [Juliet]

 Le Carillon de Cithere [The Carillon of Cvthera]

 Rondeau: Le Petit-Rien [The Trifle]

Quinzieme Ordre [Fifteenth Ordre]

 La Regente, ou la Minerve [The Regent, or Minerva]

 Rondeau: Le Dodo, ou l'amour au Berceau [The Lullaby, or Love in the Cradle]

 L'Evaporee [The Giddy One]

 Musete de Choisi [Musette of Choisy]

 Musete de Taverni [Musette of Taverny]

 La Douce, et Piquante [The Sweet and Piquant One]

 Les Vergers fleuris [The Flowering Orchards]

 La Princesse de Chabevil, ou la Muse de Monaco [The Princess de Chabevil, or The Muse of Monaco]

Seizieme Ordre [Sixteenth Ordre]

 Les Graces incomparables, ou la Conti [The incomparable Graces, or (Mine de) Conti]

 L'Himen-Amour [Hymen (Marriage)-Love]

 Rondeau: Les Vestales [The Vestals]

 L'Aimable Therese [Pleasant Therese (Dancourt)]

 Le Dr61e de Corps [The Odd Fellow]

 La Distraite [The Absentminded One]

 La Letiville

Dix-septieme Ordre [Seventeenth Ordre]

 La Superbe, ou la Forqueray [The Superb One, or (Antoine) Forqueray]

 Les Petit Moulins a vent [The Little Windmills]

 Rondeau: Les Timbres [The Little Bells]Courante

Les petites Chremieres de Bagnolet [The Little Milkmaids of Bagnolet]

Dix-huitieme Ordre [Eighteenth Ordre]

 Allemande: La Verneuille

La Verneuillete

Rondeau: Sceur Monique [Sister Monique]

Le Turbulent [The Turbulent One]

L'Atendrissante [The Touching One]

Rondeau: Le Tic-Toc-Choc, ou les Maillotins [The Tapping, or The Hammers]

Le Gaillard-Boiteux [The Strapping Man with a Limp]

Dix-neuvieme Ordre [Nineteenth Ordre]

 Rondeau: Les Calotins et les Calotines, ou la Piece a tretous [The Calotins and Calotines (members of a secret society), or the Piece for Everybody]

 Les Calotines [The Calotines]

 Rondeau: L'Ingenue [The Ingenue]

 L'Artiste [The Artist or The Bonnet]

 Les Culbutes Jxcxbxnxs [The Jacobin Somersaults]

Rondeau: La Muse-Plantine [(Mme de la) Plante's Muse]

L'Enjouee [The Lively One or The Beauty Spot]

Vingtieme Ordre [Twentieth Ordre]

 La Princesse Marie [Princess Marie]

 La Bouffonne [The Buffoon]

 Les Cherubins ou l'aimable Lazure [The Cherubs, or The Amiable Lazure]

 La Crofiilli ou la Couperinete

 La fine Madelon [Cunning Madelon]

 La douce Janneton [Sweet Jeanneton (de Beauval)]

 La Sezile [(M. or Mme) Sezile]

 Les Tambourins [The Provencal Tabors]

Vingt-unieme Ordre [Twenty-first Ordre]

 La reine des cceurs [The Queen of Hearts]

 La Bondissante [The Skipping One]

 La Couperin [(M., Mine, or Mile) Couperin]

 La Harpee [The Harplike (Piece)]

 La petite Pince-sans-rire [The Little Dryly Humorous One]

Vingt-deuxieme Ordre [Twenty-second Ordre]

 Le Trophee [The Trophy]

 Allemande: Le point du jour [Daybreak]

 L'Anguille [The Eel]

 Le Croc-en-jambe [The Trip-up]

 Menuets croises [Minuets for Crossing Hands]

 Les tours de passe-passe [The Magic Tricks]

Vingt-troisieme Ordre [Twenty-third Ordre]

 L'Audacieuse [The Bold One]

 Les Tricoteuses [The Knitters]

 L'Arlequine [The Harlequin]

 Les gondoles de Delos [The Gondolas of Delos]

 Les Satires [The Satyrs]

Vingt-quatrieme Ordre[Twenty-fourth Ordre]

Vingt-cinquiemen Ordre[Twenty-fifth Ordere]

Vingt-sixiemen Ordre[Twenty-sixth Ordre]

Vingt-septieme Ordre[Twnety-seventh Ordre]

From L'Art de toucher le Clavecin











Series II of excellent reprint of Augener edition edited by Brahms and Chrysander contains Ordes 14-27 plus 8 Preludes and Allemande from L'Art de toucher le Clavecin.


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